On a apprit il y a un mois que le circuit de Charade a fermé ses portes pour nuissances sonores. La plainte concerne 19 riverains installés après la création du circuit.. Il semblerait aussi qu'un projet immobilier soit envisagé, et qui recouvrirait 80% de la surface de Charade. Aux armes !
We learnt a month ago the Charade track has closed his doors because of sonor nuisance. The complaint comes from 19 residents that have created their houses after the track creation. There also might be a real estate project that would cover 80% of the Charade ground. Let's fight !
On a retrouvé un article sur la naissance de Charade datant d'aout 1958 dans la revue "L'Action Automobile et Touristique". Voici le scan:
We found an article of the Charade creation from August 1958, in the magazine "L'Action Automobile et Touristique". Here's the scan: